Archive for April, 2012

I Am

I am autistic and smart
I wonder whether there is a God
I hear the bell chimes
I see the endless heavens at night
I want to be free of disease of addiction
I am autistic and smart

I pretend that I am normal person with no addiction to alcohol and that I can drink normally
I feel the serenity of heaven
I touch the softness of fur
I worry about my future and whether I am going to make it
I cry over those who die in addiction
I understand that God loves us all and died for us all.
I say that I do not like excessive wealth
I dream for a world where equality esits
I try that I might overcome my disorder
I hope for a relationship with a special somebody
I am autistic and smart

April 25, 2012 at 10:22 pm Leave a comment

Man killed while urinating on Chicago subway

The Daily Telegraph reports (

“Zachary McKee, 27, died after coming into contact an electrified third rail while relieving himself at a subway stop in Evanston, Illinois, last night.
According to local police McKee clambered down onto the track at South Boulevard station and fell onto the rails at around 11pm.
A companion alerted subway security but were too late to save him.
He was pronounced dead less than an hour later at Saint Francis Hospital in Evanston.
It is not clear whether McKee urinated directly onto the third rail but, contrary to popular belief, the practice is unlikely to result in death.
Urine not good for jellyfish stings 22 Jul 2011
Belarus executes 2 men convicted of metro bombing 18 Mar 2012
A victim would have to be standing extremely close to the electric rail in order for their stream to hold together and carry the charge. More often the stream breaks into droplets, interrupting the charge.
Many of the deaths reported to have been caused by people peeing onto electric tracks were actually the result of stepping or falling onto the rail.
In the American television show Mythbusters a presenter urinated onto an electric fence to prove that there was virtually no danger of electrocution.
It is not clear whether McKee was intoxicated at the time of his death”

Ouch! I would hate to die that way! Not a way to go!

April 24, 2012 at 4:55 am Leave a comment

Woman bites driver who stole parking spot

The LA Times reports

“A Palo Alto woman was arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon after police said she, in a fit of rage over a stolen parking space, bit the driver who swooped into her spot.

Witnesses told police that Sara Gillian was waiting for a street parking space in a residential San Francisco neighborhood, when another female driver slid into the space, sparking a fight. A driver and passenger got out of each car, and “pushing and shoving escalated into the suspect biting,” San Francisco police spokesman Gordon Shyy said.  

Gillian, 32, was booked on the assault charge after multiple bite marks were found on the victim’s chest area, Shyy said. The other people involved in the incident were released at the scene, he said. Police did not release the name of the victim, but said she was the only injured party.

“We get calls for service over verbal disputes over parking,” Shyy said, “but it is unusual for it to escalate to this point where it escalates to the felony.”

San Francisco County Jail could not be reached Friday to determine if Gillian had been released”

Ouch!  Do not steal parking spots in San Francisco where parking is real tight.  That is just real no no.


April 21, 2012 at 1:00 am Leave a comment

Ted Nungent And Obama Scandal’s

Ted Nungent has said this about for Obama

“”If you can’t galvanize and promote and recruit people to vote for Mitt Romney, we’re done. We’ll be a suburb of Indonesia next year,” Nugent said. “Our president, attorney general, vice president, Hillary Clinton–they’re criminals. They’re criminals. Who doesn’t know the crimes our government are committing”

The real truth is that you elect Mitt Romney, you will make more progress for America into making a third world nation.   Therefore, I think Ted Nugent is completely crazy.  

Where was Ted Nungent when there all there was all of the war profiteering going on during the Bush administration?  Of course, he was not out there speaking out aganist all of the cronyism that was going on during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. 

The current scandals are scandals and Darrell Issa has every right to investigate them.  However, the subject scandals do not come even close to the scandals committed under Bush. 

The only crime that the Obama could be accused of doing is the drone wars in Pakistan and keeping open Guantanmo Bay open beyond his administration.  

Therefore, I just think this is a just another crazy rant by Ted Nungent.  But that what is we expect from Ted Nungent?

April 17, 2012 at 10:00 pm Leave a comment

Mitt Romney: Hypocrite When It Comes To Working Mothers

More drivel from Mitt Romney.  From the Boston Globe’s Political Intelligence blog

“Mittt Romney last week declared his belief that “all moms are working moms,” but he insisted as recently as January that women on welfare need to get jobs, even if they have young children.

Romney defended his wife, Ann, a stay-at-home mother, on Friday after Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen said earlier in the week that Ann Romney is unqualified to speak for women’s economic concerns because she “has actually never worked a day in her life.”

Romney, himself, has said the “all moms are working moms” argument does not apply to mothers who accept welfare assistance.

“Even if you have a child two years of age, you need to go to work,” Romney said at a Jan. 4 campaign stop in Manchester, N.H., describing his position as Massachusetts governor. “And people said, ‘Well that’s heartless,’ and I said ‘No, no, I’m willing to spend more giving daycare to allow those parents to go back to work. It’ll cost the state more providing that daycare, but I want the individuals to have the dignity of work.’ ”

Romney’s comment came in response to a question about welfare dependence and personal responsibility, and his campaign pointed out similarities between it and a statement Democratic former President Bill Clinton made in 1996, when he signed welfare reform legislation.

Click to contact candidates or elected officials about this issue.“This act honors my basic principles of real welfare reform. It requires work of welfare recipients, limits the time they can stay on welfare, and provides child care and health care to help them make the move from welfare to work,” Clinton said at the time. “It demands personal responsibility, and puts in place tough child support enforcement measures.”

 I think such a remark considered to be hypocrisy.  The reality is that a lot of mothers want to stay home with their kids, but are not able to because they have make ends meet. I think the social safety net should be designed that women should have the right to stay with home with their kids until the age of four if they have desire to do so.  Being a stay at home is just as much as full-time job as working mom especially given when you have small kids.

Again, another reason why this guy should not be voted into office

April 16, 2012 at 3:56 am Leave a comment

Obama’s Scandals

Obama is on a quest to impress.  He wants to impress Latin American leaders because he wants a stronger US prescence in the region.  Despite Obama’s chances to woo the foreign leaders,  Obama had some problems at a conference

First, he had to deal with evolving scandal involving security service.  Reuters reports

Americas attended by more than 30 heads of state, 11 U.S. Secret Service agents were sent home and five military servicemen grounded over “misconduct” allegations in a hotel.

Prostitutes were taken to the hotel, according to a Colombian police source.

The widening controversy was overshadowing a host of weightier topics at the two-day summit that began on Saturday.

“I had a breakfast meeting to discuss trade and drugs, but the only thing the other delegates wanted to talk about was the story of the agents and the hookers,” chuckled one Latin American diplomat in the historic city of Cartagena.

I bet Darryl Issa is frothing in the mouth over this scandal.  He now has the Obama administration on two minor scandals:  the debacle with the Secret Service in and the GSA scandal with $823,000 in excessive charges as described by the Washington Post

GSA Inspector General Brian Miller, who documented excessive spending on entertainment, food and travel to the $823,000 training conference, this week asked the Department of Justice to consider criminal charges against organizer Jeffrey E. Neely, congressional sources and other government officials familiar with the referral said'”

So Obama has some minor scandals to deal with.  However, these scandals are nothing compared to the scandals committed during the Bush administration like warrant wiretapping and allegations of waterboarding and other forms of tortures.  Darryl Issa should investigate these crimes, but the context of the subject scandal is that they are considered to be minor when compared to the deeds of the Bush administration.

April 15, 2012 at 1:51 am Leave a comment

North Korea Decides To Launch A Rocket

So North Korea decided to launch a rocket today.  However, like everything, it failed.  I do not know why North Korea decides to waste $850 million dollars on a development on a rocket launch. Apparently, the reason as reported by the Washington Post.for  the centennial celebration for the birth of founder Kim Il Sun.

Based on all of the news reports that I read today, I believed that the rocket launch is prop up the cult of personality that dominates North Korean politics.  The failure of the rocket launch now means that the country will miss critical food shortage.

I have never understood the rationale of North Korean leadership except for the necessity of maintaining a cult of personality.  

April 13, 2012 at 12:57 am Leave a comment

George Zimmerman Should Not Be Tried For Second-Degree Murder

As reported in almost every news outlet today, George Zimmerman was charged with the second-degree murder of Trayvon Martin.   Let’s look at some statues related to the Travon Martin case

The second-degree murder law is shown below (ref; Chapter 782.04((2)

“The unlawful killing of a human being, when perpetrated by any act imminently dangerous to another and evincing a depraved mind regardless of human life, although without any premeditated design to effect the death of any particular individual, is murder in the second degree and constitutes a felony of the first degree, punishable by imprisonment for a term of years not exceeding life or as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.08″

The other charge that could be brought aganist George Zimmerman is Aggravated Manslaughter of a Child (Chapter 782.07(3)

”  (3) A person who causes the death of any person under the age of 18 by culpable negligence under s. 827.03(3) commits aggravated manslaughter of a child, a felony of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.”

In my opinion, it was culpable negligence rather than “the unlawful killing of a human being, when perpetrated by any act imminently dangerous to another and evincing a depraved mind regardless of human life” as stated in Chapter 782.04(2).  Therefore, I believe that the subject case should be prosecuted as aggravated manslaughter of a child.  I believe that a jury would agree with my analysis of the case and therefore, render George Zimmerman guilty of aggravated manslaughter of a child.

April 12, 2012 at 2:35 am Leave a comment

Inmate Plays Golf With The Sheriff

That is right! An inmate confined to LA county jail got play a round golf.  This way beyond the privileges that an  inmate a deserves.  Here is the article from KABC

LOS ANGELES (KABC) — A Los Angeles County sheriff’s captain is being investigated for allegedly taking an inmate out of jail and going golfing.

Cpt. Jeff Donahue reportedly took professional golfer-turned-jewel-thief Frank Carrillo out of the Avalon jail. Carrillo says Donahue wanted tips to improve his golf game.

Donahue is now on medical leave. Sheriff’s officials are forbidden from fraternizing with inmates.

Carrillo, 41, was serving a two-year sentence after he pleaded guilty to stealing cash and jewelry from people at golf courses. He was at the Men’s Central Jail in downtown Los Angeles then transferred to Catalina, where he became a trusty, which refers to a convict who is granted special privileges due to good behavior.

Word spread that he had been a pro golfer in Canada and after meeting Donahue, Carrillo suggested the idea that they play some golf. Donahue took him up on that idea and said he’d like some pointers.

Carrillo told the Los Angeles Times that the captain escorted him in a patrol Jeep to a hilltop golf course where Carrillo gave him pointers to reduce a double-digit handicap last summer.

The golf outing proved divisive among deputies at the station. Some had no problems with it while others took issue with the trip, saying it was illegal. Deputy William Cordero was in the disapproving party and filed a claim saying that other deputies harassed him when he spoke out about the incident. He has since been transferred.

Carrillo claims Sheriff Lee Baca not only knew about the outing, but he approved it. He said Baca knew him from charity golf tournaments, spoke to him during a tour of the Avalon station and did seem to approve of the golf trip.

Sheriff’s spokesman Steve Whitmore disputed those claims, saying Baca would never condone taking a trusty out to play golf”

April 7, 2012 at 1:00 am 1 comment

Richard Dawkins

I believe that this video gives good insight into evolution.

Continue Reading April 5, 2012 at 1:50 am 1 comment

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