Archive for April, 2016

Puppy Molesters Deserve A Strike

KTLA reports

“A brutally mutilated puppy recently rescued in Modesto is fighting for his life after being diagnosed with the highly contagious canine virus Parvo, KTLA sister station KTXL reported Saturday.

The American pit bull terrier, named Vitus, was found by a couple earlier in the week who saw the dog chained outside a business and profusely bleeding, according to a GoFundMe page.

The puppy’s ears had been cut off without sedation, pain medication or antibiotics, Dr. Amanpreet Basra of American Pet Clinic in Ceres, where the dog is being treated, told the television station.

“It is believed that the perpetrator was inside getting another pair of scissors to finish his mutilation job,” a post on the fundraising page read. “The good Samaritans scooped him up while the ‘owner’ told them to leave the dog alone and went back inside the store.”:

My solution is a make that offense a strike. Three strikes and your out. Life sentence for these fools.

April 25, 2016 at 3:37 am Leave a comment

The Donald Wants to Impose 45% Tariffs on Trad

So the Donald thinks it is good idea for us to make 45% tariffs with China.  Reuters reports

“Chinese Finance Minister Lou Jiwei criticized Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, calling him “an irrational type” due to the candidate’s proposal that tariffs on imported Chinese goods be increased to up to 45 percent.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal published on Sunday, Lou said, “Trump is an irrational type. If he were to do this, that would be in violation of the rules set by the World Trade Organization.”

Lou said that if the United States put Trump’s proposal into effect, it “would not be entitled to its position as the world’s major power. The U.S. needs to recognize that the U.S. and China are mutually dependent on each other. Our economic cycles are intertwined.”

He acknowledged that rhetoric in a U.S. presidential campaign can become heated”

45% tarriffs is that exactly the type of speech that would inflame military conflicts.  Never mind the issues in the South China sea which might significant issue. Or TPP which is another thing.  But this is open ticket for a hot war with the Chinese.   A hot war that we do not need, do not want, or more money going to defense contractors so they continue to justify their existence in a world that is requires more global cooperation than ever.

If a Donald takes a foreign relations class or a macroeconmic class, the Donald would get a F period.


April 17, 2016 at 11:51 pm Leave a comment


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